-DTN's Market Data Experts-
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Posted: Feb 14, 2012 12:11 PM

Msg. 181 of 623
Eurex Delisting
Effective Date: February 13, 2012
Index Dividend Futures on the EURO STOXX 50 DTN root symbol: EX1

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Posted: Feb 23, 2012 01:57 PM

Msg. 182 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing Date: February 27, 2012
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst vs. 380 cst Spread (Platts) BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QMSD
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central

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Posted: Mar 6, 2012 06:12 PM

Msg. 183 of 623
Note: Daylight Savings time begins at 2 a.m. on March 11.
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: March 12, 2012
Dated Brent (Platts) BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QDBB
1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes CIF MED BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QFOB
1% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QFOM
Mini European Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QMEN
Mini Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QMEO
RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy (Argus) NWE Barges Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QXER
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Barges FOB Rdam Crack Spread BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QFCB
3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) FOB MED Crack Spread BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QFOA
Gasoline 10 ppm (Platts) FOB MED Crack Spread Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QGKS
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central
COMEX Additions
Copper Average Price Option DTN root symbol: CAP
Copper Calendar Swap Futures DTN root symbol: HGS

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Posted: Mar 21, 2012 05:36 PM

Msg. 184 of 623
CME/CBOT/Globex Additions
Listing date: March 25, 2012 (trade date March 26)
MGEX-CBOT Wheat Intercommodity Spread Options
DTN root symbols Globex: @MCW Pit: MCG Synthetic Future: @MCX
Hours: Globex, 1800 – 0715 and 0930 – 1315, Central Pit: 0930 – 1315, Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: March 26, 2012
NY ULSD (Argus) vs. Heating Oil Spread Balmo Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QULB
Midwest ISO Michigan Hub 5 MW Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QHMW
Midwest ISO Michigan Hub 5 MW Off-Peak Calendar-Month Day-Ahead Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QHMO
EUREX Additions
Currently listed:
EURO STOXX Banks Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: EBD
EURO STOXX Insurance Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: EID
EURO STOXX Oil & Gas Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: EED
EURO STOXX Telecommunications Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: ETD
EURO STOXX Utilities Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: EUD
STOXX Europe 600 Banks Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: SBD
STOXX Europe 600 Insurance Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: SID
STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: SED
STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: STD
STOXX Europe 600 Utilities Index Dividend Futures DTN root symbol: SUD
Trading hours: 0230 – 1130 Central

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Posted: Apr 4, 2012 03:47 PM

Msg. 185 of 623
Currently in Quote_System:
AMX Index Futures DTN root symbol: FMX
Trading hours: 0200 – 1030 Central

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Posted: Apr 11, 2012 11:24 AM

Msg. 186 of 623
NYSE Liffe Commodities change
Effective date: Monday, April 16, 2012
White Sugar DTN root symbol: QW
Current trading hours: 0245 – 1130 Central New trading hours: 0245 – 1230 Central

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Posted: Apr 25, 2012 05:52 PM

Msg. 187 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: April 29, 2012 (trade date April 30)
Japan Energy Swap Futures
Tokyo Bay Gasoline (RIM) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QRMG
Tokyo Bay Kerosene (RIM) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QRMK
Tokyo Bay 10ppm Gasoil (RIM) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QRMS
Tokyo Bay A-Grade 1% Sulfur Fuel Oil (RIM) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QRMF
Tokyo Bay A-Grade 0.1% Sulfur Fuel Oil (RIM) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QRMU
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central
Plastic BALMO Swap Futures
HDPE High Density Polyethylene (PCW) BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QHPD
LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene (PCW) BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QLEL
PP Polypropylene (PCW) BALMO Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QPPW
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central
COMEX/ClearPort Addition
Aluminum MW US Transaction Premium Platts (25MT) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QAUP
Trading hours: 0710 – 1200 Central
GREENX Additions
Emission Reduction Unit (ERU) Futures and Options DTN root symbol: QREU
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central

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Posted: May 8, 2012 05:49 PM

Msg. 188 of 623
ICE Futures U.S. Additions
Listing date: May 13, 2012 (trade date May 14)
Cash Settled U.S. Corn Futures and Options DTN root symbol: @ICN
Cash Settled U.S. Wheat Futures and Options DTN root symbol: @IWH
Cash Settled U.S. Soybean Futures and Options DTN root symbol: @ISO
Cash Settled U.S. Soybean Meal Futures and Options DTN root symbol: @ISL
Cash Settled U.S. Soybean Oil Futures and Options DTN root symbol: @IBO
Trading hours: Monday – Friday, 1900 – 1700 Central Sunday trading begins at 1700 Central

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Posted: May 9, 2012 09:53 AM

Msg. 189 of 623
To accommodate ICE plans to eventually list Intercommodity Spreads, we are changing the symbols originally released to avoid exceeding spread symbol size limitations. The corrected ICE grains symbols appear below:
ICE Futures U.S. Additions
Listing date: May 13, 2012 (trade date May 14)
Cash Settled U.S. Corn Futures and Options DTN root symbol: ICN
Cash Settled U.S. Wheat Futures and Options DTN root symbol: IW
Cash Settled U.S. Soybean Futures and Options DTN root symbol: IS
Cash Settled U.S. Soybean Meal Futures and Options DTN root symbol: ISM
Cash Settled U.S. Soybean Oil Futures and Options DTN root symbol: IBO
Trading hours: Monday – Friday, 1900 – 1700 Central Sunday trading begins at 1700 Central

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Posted: May 17, 2012 03:59 PM

Msg. 190 of 623
CBOT/Globex Changes
Please note: The proposed extension of trading hours for grain futures and options on CBOT Globex, KCBT and MGEX has been postponed. These changes will *not* be implemented this weekend.
CFE Addition
Listing date: Wednesday, May 23, 2012
CBOE Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index (VXN) Futures DTN root symbol: @VN
Trading hours: 0830 – 1515 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: May 20, 2012 (trade date May 21)
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) Dubai Crack Spread Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QKSD
Singapore Jet Kerosene (Platts) vs. DME Oman Crude Oil Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QDRK
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central
CME Additions
Nasdaq 100 End-of-Month (EOM) Options DTN root symbols: Pit: DNE Globex: @DNE
E-mini Nasdaq 100 End-of-Month (EOM) Options DTN root symbol: @QNE
Trading hours: DNE 0830 – 1515 Central @DNE 1530 – 0815 Central @QNE 1530 – 1515 Central

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Posted: May 18, 2012 12:20 PM

Msg. 191 of 623
CBOT/Globex Changes
The CME announced Friday that new hours of 1700 – 1400 Central for CBOT Globex grains will begin Sunday, May 20.
The following DTN roots are affected:
@C @YC @W @YW @S @YK @SM @BO @O @RR @DDG @AC @KW @MW
In addition, all related Calendar Spread Options and Inter-commodity Spread Options are affected.

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Posted: May 30, 2012 05:25 PM

Msg. 192 of 623
Note: Certain markets will be closed for the Queens Diamond Jubilee holiday in London on Monday, June 4 and Tuesday, June 5. These include LME, ICE Futures Europe (excepting crude oil and refined products, which are open), and NYSE Liffe’s sterling-based products.
CBOT Additions
Listing date: Tuesday, June 5 (trade date June 6)
Black Sea Wheat Futures DTN root symbol: @BSW
Trading hours: 0200 – 1315 Central
Listing date: Sunday, June 3 (trade date June 4)
Short Dated New Crop Corn Options DTN root symbols: Pit: CDF Globex: @OCD
Short Dated New Crop Soybean Options DTN root symbols: Pit: SDF Globex: @OSD
Trading hours: Pit: 0930 – 1315 Central Globex: 1700 – 1400 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: Monday, June 4
Canadian Sweet Synthetic Oil (Net Energy) Index Futures DTN root symbol: CSN
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central

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Posted: May 31, 2012 02:46 PM

Msg. 193 of 623
Due to a possible configuration issue down the road, we are changing the DTN root symbol for Black Sea Wheat Futures on CBOT Globex to @BS. We will *not* be using @BSW as the DTN root.
CBOT Additions
Listing date: Tuesday, June 5 (trade date June 6)
Black Sea Wheat Futures DTN root symbol: @BS
Trading hours: 0200 – 1315 Central

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Posted: Jun 12, 2012 03:04 PM

Msg. 194 of 623
CME Globex Addition
Listing date: Monday, June 18, 2012
E-mini Nikkei 225 futures – Yen denominated DTN root symbol: @ENY
Trading hours: 0500 – 1515 Central
NYMEX Deletion
Effective date: Sunday, June 17, 2012
NYMEX Brent 25-Day (Platts) vs. Crude Oil intercommodity spread DTN root symbol: QNBZ

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Posted: Jun 19, 2012 03:18 PM

Msg. 195 of 623
CBOT Changes
Effective date: Monday, June 25, 2012
Pit trading hours in all CBOT grain and oilseed futures and options will be extended to 1400 Central. Previous closing time has been 1315 Central.
DTN futures roots affected:
Additionally, all CBOT grains pit Calendar Spread Options (CSOs), Weekly Options, and Intercommodity Spread Options closing time will be extended to 1400 Central.
CBOT pit mini futures will also extend hours to 1400 Central. Previous closing time has been 1345 Central.
DTN futures roots affected:
ICE Futures Canada Changes
Effective date: Monday, June 25, 2012
ICE Futures Canada is extending the closing time for agricultural products to 1400 Central.
DTN roots affected:
KCBT Changes
Effective date: Monday, June 25, 2012
Hours for pit traded wheat futures and options will be extended to 1400 Central from 1315 Central currently. This affects DTN root KW.
MGEX Changes
Effective date: Monday, June 25, 2012
All Minneapolis Grain Exchange Globex products will close at 1415 Central. Previous closing time has been 1400 Central.
DTN roots affected:
Pit MGEX options closing hours will be 1400 Central. Pit MGEX options previously closed at 1330 Central. This affects DTN root MW.

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Posted: Jun 21, 2012 03:47 PM

Msg. 196 of 623
MGEX Changes
Effective date: Monday, June 25, 2012
Pit MGEX options closing hours will be 1415 Central. Pit MGEX options previously closed at 1330 Central. This affects DTN root MW.

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Posted: Jun 27, 2012 04:38 PM

Msg. 197 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: July 2, 2012
East-West Gasoline Spread (Platts-Argus) Swap Future DTN root symbol: QEWG
East-West Fuel Oil Spread (Platts) BALMO Swap Future DTN root symbol: QEWB
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central

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Posted: Jul 10, 2012 05:42 PM

Msg. 198 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Addition
Listing date: July 16, 2012
LNG East Asia Index (ICIS Heren) Swap Future DTN root symbol: QLAI
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central

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Posted: Jul 25, 2012 10:22 AM

Msg. 199 of 623
NYSE Liffe Changes
Effective date: July 29, 2012
Extension of trading hours for NYSE Liffe TOPIX Index Future DTN root symbol: LPT
Current hours: 0100 – 1500 Central New hours: 1900 – 1500 Central

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Posted: Aug 2, 2012 09:40 AM

Msg. 200 of 623
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing date: August 6, 2012
Mini 1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB MED (Platts) Swap Future DTN root symbol: QMFD
Mini 3.5% Fuel Oil (Platts) Cargoes FOB MED Calendar Swap Future DTN root symbol: QMMF
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central

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Posted: Aug 8, 2012 05:43 PM

Msg. 201 of 623
MGEX Additions
Listing date: August 13, 2012
Apple Juice Concentrate Futures and Options DTN root symbol: @AJC
Trading hours: 0700 – 1410 Central
NYMEX Additions
Listing date: August 13, 2012
The following Natural Gas swaps have previously been listed on Globex, but are being added to open outcry (pit).
Columbia Gulf Louisiana Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: GL
Demarc Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: PE
Columbia Gas TCO Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: TO
Houston Ship Channel Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: NH
NGPL Mid-Con Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: NL
NGPL TexOk Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: PD
Panhandle Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: PH
Rockies Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: NR
Texas Eastern Zone M-3 Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: NT
Ventura Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: PF
Waha Basis Swap (Platts IFERC) Futures DTN root symbol: NW
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Addition
Listing date: August 13, 2012
LNG Japan/Korea Market (Platts) Swap Future DTN root symbol: QJKM
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central
Currently in Quote_System
Futures on DTCC GCF Repo Index Products
U.S. Treasury DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures DTN root symbol: @RPT
Mortgage-Backed Securities DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures DTN root symbol: @RPM
Agency DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures DTN root symbol: @RPA
Trading hours: 0616 – 1600 Central
EEX Deletions
German Baseload and German Peakload Futures have been delisted by the exchange. The following DTN roots were delisted as a result: 0BM 0BQ 0BY 0PM 0PQ 0PY

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Posted: Aug 9, 2012 02:12 PM

Msg. 202 of 623
ICEFC Deletion
Effective August 9, 2012, Western Barley futures and options have been delisted. DTN root symbol: @AB
The ICEFC Barley contract, DTN root @BW, remains active.

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Posted: Aug 20, 2012 03:39 PM

Msg. 203 of 623
ICEFU Calendar Spread Options- 1 month and 2 month series- 8/19/12 DTN symbols: 1 Month and 2 Month- Electronic
Sugar #11- @SB1 and @SB2 Open and Close- 2330-1300 Central Cocoa- @CC1 and @CC2 Open and Close- 0300-1300 Coffee- @KC1 and @KC2 Open and Close- 0230-1300 Cotton- @CT1 and @CT2 Open and Close- 2000-1330

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Posted: Aug 22, 2012 05:06 PM

Msg. 204 of 623
ICE Futures U.S. Additions
Currently in Quote_System:
Cotton # 2 Weekly Options
DTN root symbols: Week 1: @TC1 Week 2: @TC2 Week 3: @TC3 Week 4: @TC4 Week 5: @TC5
Trading hours: 2000 – 1330 Central
Sugar No. 11 Weekly Options
DTN root symbols: @SO1 - @SO5 for week 1 to week 5 as above
Trading hours: 0030 – 1300 Central
Coffee Weekly Options
DTN root symbols: @KO1 - @KO5 for week 1 to week 5 as above
Trading hours: 0230 – 1300 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Deletions
The following contracts will be delisted prior to the opening of trading on Monday, August 27.
DTN root symbols:

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
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Posted: Aug 30, 2012 02:30 PM

Msg. 205 of 623
The following DTN root symbols were not delisted on Monday, August 27:

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
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Posted: Aug 30, 2012 05:55 PM

Msg. 206 of 623
Listing date: Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Short Dated New Crop Wheat Options DTN root symbol: WDF
Trading hours: 0930 – 1400 Central

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Posted: Sep 7, 2012 11:05 AM

Msg. 207 of 623
CBOT/Globex Additions
Listing Date: Sunday, September 9, 2012 (trade date September 10)
Short Dated New Crop Wheat Options DTN root symbol: @OWD
Trading hours: 1700 – 1400 Central
Note: Pit-traded Short Dated New Crop Wheat Options, symbol WDF, were previously released.
NYMEX/Globex Additions
Listing Date: Sunday, September 9, 2012 (trade date September 10)
U.S. Midwest # 1 Busheling Ferrous Scrap (AMM) Futures DTN root symbol: @BUS
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Additions
Listing Date: Monday, September 10, 2012
Coal (API 8) cfr South China (Argus/McCloskey) Swap Futures DTN root symbol: QSSI
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
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Posted: Sep 11, 2012 05:44 PM

Msg. 208 of 623
Currently in Quote_System
ICE Futures U.S. Additions
TAS contracts (trade at settlement)
Cocoa Futures TAS DTN root symbol: @CCT
Trading hours: 0200 – 1050 Central
Coffee C Futures TAS DTN root symbol: @KCT
Trading hours: 0230 – 1230 Central
Cotton No. 2 Futures TAS DTN root symbol: @CTT
Trading hours: 2000 – 1315 Central
FCOJ-A Futures TAS DTN root symbol: @OJT
Trading hours: 0700 – 1230 Central
Sugar No. 11 Futures TAS DTN root symbol: @SBT
Trading hours: 0130 – 1230 Central
ICE U.S. Dollar Index Futures TAS DTN root symbol: @DXT
Trading hours: 1900 – 1700 Central
Russell 1000 Index Mini TAS DTN root symbol: @RFT
Trading hours: 1900 – 1700 Central
Russell 2000 Index Mini TAS DTN root symbol: @TFT
Trading hours: 1900 – 1700 Central
ICE Futures Europe Additions
TAS contracts
ICE Brent Crude Futures TAS DTN root symbol: EBT
Trading hours: 1900 – 1330 Central
ICE Gasoil Futures TAS DTN root symbol: EPIT
Trading hours: 1900 – 1030 Central
ICE NYH (RBOB) Gasoline Futures TAS DTN root symbol: IRBT
Trading hours: 1900 – 1330 Central
CBOT/Globex Changes
Effective date: Sunday, September 16, 2012 (trade date September 17)
Extended hours for Mini contracts
All CBOT Grain and Oilseed contracts, both pit and electronic, will trade until 1430 Central. Currently, trading ends at 1400 Central for CBOT pit and electronic Grains and Oilseeds.
DTN root symbols:

-DTN's Market Data Experts-
Posts: 791
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Posted: Sep 26, 2012 03:29 PM

Msg. 209 of 623
ICE Futures U.S. Deletion
Effective Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Reuters Jefferies/CRB Index DTN root symbol: @CR
CFE Addition
Effective Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012
S&P 500 Variance Futures DTN root symbol: @VA
Trading hours: 0830 – 1515 Central
Note: CFE had previously listed S&P 500 Variance Futures with the same root symbol. That contract was delisted. This is a new contract with different specifications.
Index Feed Changes
Effective Date: Monday, October 1, 2012
The seven OPRA indexes listed below will no longer be available on the OPRA feed effective Monday, Oct 1, 2012. These indexes will be available with different DTN symbols on a fee-liable feed.

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Posted: Oct 11, 2012 11:39 AM

Msg. 210 of 623
NYMEX/Globex Additions
Listing date: Monday, October 15, 2012
Dominion South Point Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QSDF
Columbia Gas TCO Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QCFS
Permian Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QPFS
San Juan Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QXX
Henry Hub Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QHHS
Rockies Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QXR
Panhandle Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QXH
Waha Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QWFS
Houston Ship Channel Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QXJT
NGPL Mid-Con Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QNFS
MichCon Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Fixed Price Futures DTN root symbol: QMFS
Transco Zone 6 Non-N.Y. Natural Gas (Platts Gas Daily/Platts IFERC) Index Futures DTN root symbol: QTZI
Transco Zone 6 Non-N.Y. Natural Gas (Platts IFERC) Basis Futures DTN root symbol: QTZ6
Trading hours: 1700 – 1615 Central
NYMEX/ClearPort Addition
Chinese Steel Rebar HRB400 (Mysteel) Futures DTN root symbol: QRBR
Trading hours: 0800 – 1330 Central