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Viewing User Profile for: MV_opt
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Joined: Jun 3, 2020 07:54 PM
Last Post: Feb 20, 2022 07:15 PM
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Location: Brisbane/Australia
Occupation: Programmer
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MV_opt has contributed to 19 posts out of 21251 total posts (0.09%) in 1,696 days (0.01 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
IQFeed API Questions » Qn on Day Code on the Quote Stream Feb 20, 2022 07:15 PM (Total replies: 1)

Right now it is Sunday Evening EST on the 20th Feb.

This is the quote we are getting.

Note that the date is now (02/20/2022) but the Day Code at the end of the message is 22.
Is that right?

I understand that the 21st is a public holiday and so most markets will not have a bar for the 21st but if the market is trading at this time surely it should have a day value of 21?

Thanks for your help.

IQFeed API Questions » Is there a way to limit SBF lookup responses? Sep 8, 2020 07:50 PM (Total replies: 2)

Thanks Gary,

we do use those but we have a form which allows clients to search and they have control over those options. But we all know that clients can do some strange things.

It would be very helpful if there was a max number which we could add into the call.

IQFeed API Questions » Is there a way to limit SBF lookup responses? Sep 7, 2020 06:04 PM (Total replies: 2)

When using the SBF command on the Lookup port (see http://www.iqfeed.net/dev/api/docs/SymbolLookupviaTCPIP.cfm), I can see no way to limit the number of responses.

It's easy enough for us to drop all responses after the first x responses have been received, but that leaves the port still tied up sending data which we will throw away.

Is there a better way to limit the number of responses? Adding a maximum number of responses to the SBF call would be a good way.

An example of this is if you search the description for "mini" I stopped the process at 11,000 results!

IQFeed Developer Support » KB Queued in Admin Status Message Aug 23, 2020 10:14 PM (Total replies: 6)

Gary, just a small error in the Docs on this one - see image

IQFeed Developer Support » KB Queued in Admin Status Message Aug 23, 2020 10:04 PM (Total replies: 6)

Thanks Quick_Tick - I did not look beyond the Stats message - this is exactly what we need.

Just looking at Derivative bars as an option to reduce the amount of data we need to process. Unfortunately I can not use these without knowing if they are in market or extended trades. Can you please add Derivative Bars to that request.

IQFeed Developer Support » KB Queued in Admin Status Message Aug 16, 2020 07:22 PM (Total replies: 6)

Is it possible to add the KB Queued into an Admin Port "S" message?

This would only make sense is the S message is not stuck in the same queue. But if it isn't, it would be really handy to know in our application that data is getting queued up. That way we can give higher priority to the reading thread and/or warn the user to shut down some streams.

IQFeed Developer Support » Log File Issues and One Drive Aug 16, 2020 07:17 PM (Total replies: 1)

Not sure if you are seeing this elsewhere but our clients are typically opening hundreds of streams and a couple were having terrible performance during the New York open and close.

One of the items we discovered when working with these clients was that their Documents folder was being synched to One Drive. The issue is that the IQConnect log file (which can be over 7 GB for a whole day session) is in {Documents}\DTN\IQFeed

Once we changed the registry setting for the users, there was a marked improvement in performance.

I would suggest that you find a better place for this file given that all new installs of Windows make it so that you have to Opt-out of documents being backed up to One Drive. AppData or ProgramData would be a better place.

IQFeed Developer Support » Level 2 returning "U" messages. Jul 8, 2020 05:36 PM (Total replies: 3)

Doh - thanks for that.

IQFeed Developer Support » Level 2 returning "U" messages. Jul 6, 2020 03:08 AM (Total replies: 3)

Specification Pages I'm looking at are

IQFeed Developer Support » Level 2 returning "U" messages. Jul 6, 2020 03:07 AM (Total replies: 3)


Just starting to look at Level 2 again and am getting "U" messages being sent through. These are not in the spec so I'm wondering if I am doing something wrong.

If I connect to MSFT this is what I get back (note that I am doing this at 4am NYC time).

I appreciate any help



IQFeed Developer Wish List » Open Streams by FIGI Code Jun 24, 2020 09:04 AM (Total replies: 5)

lol - no worries.

One of the things we have battled with for many years is a unified symbol database which works across all our data connections. The issue is that the symbol required in IQ can be different than other possible sources (including our own end of day services). Equities are usually fine, it is commodities and indices which are usually the trouble. Figi has the chance to finally do what cusip and isin tried to do (but their cost of entry was too great for full adoption).

My goal is a single symbol database which has figi as the key since that is becoming a unique code to reference the security by. Then no matter what service the client uses, we can open th esecurity by figi.

Definately not a quick and easy change, but now that you have figi in your database, I would hope that one day you would alow opening streams etc by Figi.

All the best


IQFeed Developer Wish List » Open Streams by FIGI Code Jun 24, 2020 07:14 AM (Total replies: 5)

Hi Gary,

Thanks for the reply but if you re-read my question you will see that I already refernce the Fundamental Message. My question is about using FIGI in place of symbol.

All the best


IQFeed Developer Wish List » Open Streams by FIGI Code Jun 23, 2020 12:11 AM (Total replies: 5)

I noticed that IQ includes the FIGI codes in the Fundamental messages. This is awesome.

Are there any plans for us to be able to open all streams by FIGI inplace of the symbol?

eg for MSFT send the following to the Level1 port
"w,BBG000BPH459" instead of "w,MSFT"

Obviously you would need to support both to be backwards compatible.

The reason for this request is that Bloomberg have done a great job with figi and it allows clients to move more easily from Bloomberg to IQ etc when their work will just open after they change.

Gary I have just spotted this page. http://pxweb.dtn.com/PXWebDoc/pages/Markets.aspx

If you could return the Time Zone from here in the SLM call, that would be awesome!

Actually I just noticed that the session times are not set in the Fundamental "F" response, so I can not use that to filter in/out of market minute bars.

It would be really helpful if those values were set for all securities.



Refering to this page http://www.iqfeed.net/dev/api/docs/HistoricalviaTCPIP.cfm

When we do a Tick request (HTX, HTD, and HTT) we have "Basis For Last" returned with a value of C,E,O,S

This is great as we can ignore out or market trades if we choose to.

The issue is when we do interval requests (HIX, HID, and HIT) we don't have that same value.

Can you please add "Basis For Last" to these calls.

There may be confusion about what to do when there are C's and E's in the one interval. Perhaps a better alternative is to allow us to include a string of "Basis" which we require in the call.

eg HTD,[Symbol],[MaxDays],[MaxDatapoints],[BeginFilterTime],[EndFilterTime],[DataDirection],[RequestID],[DatapointsPerSend][BasisToInclude]<CR><LF>

BasisToInclude would be optional but I could enter 'CS' if I wanted to only include Qualified Trades and Settles.

HTX example
Request: HTT,GOOGL,20190409 000000,20190409 235959,10,155959,160004,1,TESTREQUEST,C<CR><LF>

Note the ",C" on the end.

I know that this could also be filtered with start and end times, but then we fall into issues with time zones for non-EST markets.

Thanks for considering

Hi Gary,

Yes, I think this would be helpful.

Another column for each entry returned in the SLM (Listed Markets) call in the Lookup Port.

This is 4 lines I pulled from the call. I manually added the TZ name at the end of the rows as an example of what it could look like

79, NYDME, NYMEX-DME (InterCommodity Spreads), 79, NYDME, America/New_York
80, PSX, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 80, PSX, America/New_York
81, TGE, Tokyo Grain Exchange, 81, TGE, Asia/Tokyo
82, TOCOM, Tokyo Commodities Exchange, 82, TOCOM, Asia/Tokyo
Edited by MV_opt on Jun 4, 2020 at 08:36 AM
Edited by MV_opt on Jun 4, 2020 at 08:36 AM

Are Market time zones listed anywhere?

If not, it would be really helpful if you were able to store the Time Zone location for each of the markets that come back in the SLM call.

So for each listed market you also return the time zone location using the standard names as defined by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database

NOTE: I would not bother with Daylight or standard time, just the location. That way it only needs to be set by you once when making a change/addition to the markets list.

There are plenty of libraries which can do all the time calculations we need (including daylight savings) but they are all predicated on knowing the actual timezone of the exchange. See http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~eggert/tz/tz-link.htm

We can write a table with maps from Market ID to time zone but as soon as you make a change to the IDs, we have lost the mapping.

Of course the ultimate would be that in stream and lookup calls we were ablet to specify that we want the results in local market time rather than EST.


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