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Last Post: May 3, 2007 12:10 PM
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DTN Satellite Products » Satellite Spectrum vs. ProphetX Apr 12, 2007 12:25 PM (Total replies: 4)

Have installed ProphetX and had Art help me setup needed chart. Looking at Prophet and Spectrum side by side, I am confused. Same contract up on both monitors. MiniRussell 2000 is the future. Time on west coast here is 10:13 AM. Prophet shows 9:50 bar trading, Spectrum has 9:50 bar closed and 10:10 bar trading. What am I missing? Also, Context Bar on bottom is gone. Was not able to resolve by clicking F2. Box for Auto Hide is unchecked under Preferences. And one last item, current active bar on chart is completely over to right and almost under price column. How do I move or scroll chart to my left to better view activity? Scroll arrows on bottom right do nothing and Context Bar is unavailable. Thank you.

DTN Satellite Products » Satellite Spectrum vs. ProphetX Apr 11, 2007 03:36 PM (Total replies: 4)

Thanks Jay. Very informative and helpful. I have gone ahead and started the switch by contacting Robert and then contacted by Tony as to the procedure involved. I have downloaded ProphetX Active Trader ver I am only going to trade the mini Russell 2000 contracts. Right now I need to set up the screen so that I have a chart that consists of a 20 minute bar with the default settings that Spectrum has for Moving Averages of Red line for 4 bar and green line for 9 bar. Robert recommended that I only needed CBOT and CME exchanges. As for my earlier post where I stated that I like to have a visual track of the INDU, COMPEX and S&P 500; help would be appreciated there too. Can you help with this initial set up or do I need to contact tech support by phone for the set up? Again, thank you.

DTN Satellite Products » Satellite Spectrum vs. ProphetX Apr 10, 2007 02:34 PM (Total replies: 4)

Been using the satellite feed and Spectrum platform for a few months. All I trade is the mini-Russell 2000. I use a 20 minute bar chart and only the provided 4 & 9 moving averages. To be honest, the Spectrum seems to be extremely antiquated as if I'm back to a PC using DOS mode. Trading success is so-so, my fault not the program I am interested in switching over to the internet feed and ProphetX software. More up to date, much easier to manuever between charts, indices, etc. I currently have a High Interest window where I track INDU, COMPX and S&P500 for quick views of trends. Is this possible with ProphetX? Would like to hear opinions pro and con. Also, since I am already tied into a 12 month contract for the satellite, will DTN allow me to withdraw from that if I go with the internet feed? Those of you that trade ProphetX, do you have two PC's with one for broker and other for DTN, split screens, 2 monitors, etc. Would like to hear about your setup. Thanks a million!

DTN Satellite Products » How do you trade? Sep 21, 2006 01:37 PM (Total replies: 0)

Probably a silly question but I'm trying to find out what kind of setups traders have in their home/office. I'm leaning towards the satellite feed but how do traders who use DTN's internet feed trade? Do you have one PC with ProphetX on it for the feed and another PC connected to your broker? Do you have dual-monitors set up with one for the feed and another for the trade desk (if that is even possible)? Maybe just two windows open and switching back and forth? This will help me decide whether to go with satellite or internet feed. I currently have a cable modem with download at 3mbps. Thank you for you input. Steve

IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » satellite or internet feed Sep 6, 2006 02:24 PM (Total replies: 10)

Maybe I'm the one all screwed up here. I just tracked down the software by calling around and it is from DTN. It is called DTN Spectrum RT. I don't really know if this is the name of the software or a "package" from DTN. Could it even be another company called DTN? If it is, I apologize for wasting your time.

IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » satellite or internet feed Sep 5, 2006 05:44 PM (Total replies: 10)

My understanding is that one of your software programs provides 20 minute vertical trading bars that have an option where you can have it include a red line which symbolizes the past four average high and low trading points. A green line symbolizes the past nine average high and low trading points. The software draws these lines over the bar chart after every 20 minute interval. The colors of these lines may be optional but that is what I understand. I also understand that this software is provided on a satellite based DTN feed. That's why I asked if this program is available both with satellite and internet feed.

IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » satellite or internet feed Sep 5, 2006 05:21 PM (Total replies: 10)

Does ProphetX feature your 4 and 9 point lines on the 20 minute bar graphs?

IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » satellite or internet feed Sep 5, 2006 04:52 PM (Total replies: 10)

New to forum. I am interested in trading mini s&p 500 or mini russell 2000. Not sure which software is provided in package from DTN. Same software? Also not sure which would be better for me, satellite or internet. I have 3mb cable download from Charter and would only trade 4 hours in morning (7-11). What are the prices as I cannot find them on the website? Thank you.

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