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Last Post: Jun 23, 2013 06:09 AM
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pyro has contributed to 83 posts out of 21251 total posts (0.39%) in 6,031 days (0.01 posts per day).

20 Most recent posts:
IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » Mobile platforms. When? Jun 23, 2013 06:09 AM (Total replies: 1)

We are in the mobile era.
Tablets are the hot thing around.

When will IQFeed build API's for Android and iOS?
I would love to have my IQFeed client also available on my tablet so when I'm not on my computer I could use my tablet and see my charts.

I'm certain as soon you make available the API's developers will start to develop the apps.
Having Multicharts on my tablet would me something out of this world.


Data and Content Support » European Indices Jun 20, 2013 06:28 AM (Total replies: 8)


I can only find the Xetra Dax cash indice (DAX.X).
I'd like to know if you offer the daily data for the other european markets (CAC, FTSE, MIB, PSI, IBEX, AEX...). If so, where can I see the symbols. If not, will this be possible in the near future?


Data and Content Support » Expired contract symbols Mar 8, 2013 06:14 AM (Total replies: 1)


I'm downloading expired contracts for the ES but I'm not being able to download 2007 contracts. Is the a history for it? is the symbol different from 2008 forward? I'm using @ESH07 and so forth.


DTN.IQ Client Software Support » IQ - News Nov 29, 2012 08:36 AM (Total replies: 1)

Is there any documentation regarding the News app?
Are those news realtime, delayed?


Data and Content Support » no open interest history? Apr 1, 2010 04:18 PM (Total replies: 8)

If that is not the open interest, what is it?

I use 1 minute bars and the open interest indicator that comes with Multicharts updates every minute also.

Just to be sure, I compared the open interest indicator with volume and though the patterns are very similar (bar volume height), the values are different.

So the question maintains, where is MC acquiring those open interest values?

Data and Content Support » no open interest history? Apr 1, 2010 03:18 PM (Total replies: 8)

I think I've interpreted your "daily data" wrong.

When you said daily I interpreted as intraday, but you were actually talking about daily.

I, on the other hand, I'm talking about the lack of history within intraday data, namely, 1 minute bars.

My computer is runing for the past 3 and a half days, and I have open interest history for this 3 and a half days on my 1 minute charts.
The problem is that this weekend I'll reset my computer and I won't have access to that data anymore.

Are you saying that the MC supposed problem affects also intraday data or only daily data?

Data and Content Support » no open interest history? Apr 1, 2010 02:28 PM (Total replies: 8)

Hi Steve.

I use Multicharts.

Your answer indicates that the lack of open interest history for ES is very specific to this contract or exchange.

Is this correct? Is there a reason/rule for this to happen?

Data and Content Support » no open interest history? Apr 1, 2010 01:48 PM (Total replies: 8)


I follow the ES future contract, namely "yours" continuous contract and there's no history for open interest.

Is it possible to create a history for it?


Data and Content Support » Regarding the new symbols... Mar 26, 2010 04:18 PM (Total replies: 3)


I've just saw the list of all the new symbols available March 28 and there are a couple of ones that I'd like some information about, namely TI6A, TI6D, TI6T and the TR6T.

What's the difference to the JT6T?


DTN.IQ Client Software Support » possible 4.6 client problem Jan 25, 2010 01:01 PM (Total replies: 29)

I left the log running because this way, if the problem reappeared again, I would send it immediately to you.

But I see that is better to turn it off.


DTN.IQ Client Software Support » possible 4.6 client problem Jan 24, 2010 01:27 PM (Total replies: 29)

Hi Steve.

Something weird is happening with IQConnectLog file.

My system runs 24/7 and god knows why, all of a sudden the IQConnectLog generates a file that drains out my hard drive.

I've about 48Gb of free space in my hard drive and, after a couple of days of receiving data, I'm forced to delete the file since it becomes as large as my hard drive free space.

How is this possible? A 48Gb .txt file? What the hell does this log produces to generate such a file size?

This never happened before.

Any ideas?

IQFeed Datafeed Wish List » World markets Jan 6, 2010 03:23 PM (Total replies: 0)


What about having a service (package) just for the world indexes?

It's quite expensive to have all markets subscribed, and even worse, paying for something that we don't need. So I thought, what about a service where only the cash indexes were available, nothing else?

Imagine having in one package, all the major US (S&P, DOW, Nasdaq), Europe (DAX, CAC, IBEX, FTSE), and Asia (Nikkey, HangSeng, All Ordinaries) indexes, all in real time. Wouldn't this be great?

I know that there's an extra fee for each added zone, but isn't possible to bundle all of that in just one special fee for this specific package of world indexes?


Data and Content Support » problems with BKX.X index? Dec 1, 2009 09:42 AM (Total replies: 2)


Is there a problem with the ticker BKX.X?

It seems to have a 20 minutes delay relatively with other index sectors, such as XBD.X and SOX.X.


Data and Content Support » advance/decline/unch/total NYSE data Nov 15, 2009 10:14 AM (Total replies: 2)

Thanks skunk.

When I searched in the symbol lookup i didn't find them

What about DTN offers also the S&P100 data? Can this be considered?

Edited by pyro on Nov 15, 2009 at 10:19 AM

Data and Content Support » advance/decline/unch/total NYSE data Nov 14, 2009 10:11 AM (Total replies: 2)


Since you have the IINA.Z, IIND.Z, IINT.Z, and IINU.Z regarding NYSE stocks, I'd like to know if it's possible to offer also the same data but for the S&P500 or even the S&P100 stocks.

Using these NYSE realtime indicators when trading the ES can produce lag indications since the NYSE indicators are reading a bit more than 3 thousand stocks and the ES is "reading" only 500 or even 100 stocks only.

It would be really nice to have the advances, decliners, unch, and total of the S&P500 or the S&P100, for those who want to narrow even more the reading.

If DTN is calculating the NYSE data it should be really easy to calculate the S&P's.


DTN.IQ Client Software Support » possible 4.6 client problem Nov 2, 2009 01:55 PM (Total replies: 29)

Quote: did you happen to email the logfile of the incident to support as indicated earlier in the thread?

Sorry Steve.

I went to see the logfile but the one that I have is from Nov 1.
I haven't noticed this before, but apparently everytime I reboot my PC (or disconnect IQfeed?) a new log is initiated, and the previous one is deleted.

Shouldn't the old logfiles be kept for later reference?

Another thing that I need to pay more attention next time some error or other type of anomaly happens. Save the logfile immediately

Let's see what tssupport says about this.


DTN.IQ Client Software Support » possible 4.6 client problem Nov 2, 2009 01:05 PM (Total replies: 29)

Hi Curtis.

Well, as you noticed already, it seems that a problem exists.
The thing now is to know from which side, Multicharts or IQfeed?

I already informed tssupport about this problem. Lets see what they'll say about it.


DTN.IQ Client Software Support » possible 4.6 client problem Oct 31, 2009 07:22 AM (Total replies: 29)

Hi Steve.

Something is happening at the moment that never happened before.

I'm receiving a IQ32.DLL error, saying that I have too many clients connected.

Acordingly to IQ Manager I have 93 clients connected.

At the moment I only have 8 charts opened in Multicharts. I've got nothing else connected to the feed.

Since it's Saturday, were you having some kind of system upgrade or cleaning?

What can be the problem causing this error?

Edited by pyro on Oct 31, 2009 at 07:23 AM

Data and Content Support » Sectors realtime data Oct 28, 2009 05:54 PM (Total replies: 3)

Hi Stan.

Well, maybe I don't have that exchange subscribed. I really can't remember. You guys really need to create a costumer zone where we can have access to all data subscribed, and do subscrive or unsubscribe a service.

I've tried to see Phillie symbols, but you don't have that exchange on your website.
Where can I see them?


Data and Content Support » Sectors realtime data Oct 27, 2009 04:37 PM (Total replies: 3)


I'm not receiving realtime on a couple of sectors, namelly, XBD.X, BKX.X, and SOX.X.

Is there any problem with the feed or am I missing something?


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