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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »Data and Content Support »Best hosting solution
Author Topic: Best hosting solution (10 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
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Posted: May 19, 2009 05:02 AM          Msg. 1 of 10
Hello, all.

We are looking for the best hosting solution - datacenter with minimum latency between our server and esolar5.interquote.com (or alternate IQFeed server). This latency should be lower or equal 10ms. This is critical for our project.
Can you recommend any datacenter with these parameters?


Lawrence Wright
New Realm Investments

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Right Here & Now

Posted: May 19, 2009 06:48 AM          Msg. 2 of 10
esolar5.interquote.com seems to be Denver. You'll probably want to search for datacenters in Denver. Switch & Data has something there: http://www.switchanddata.com/Content/Locations.aspx. However, since the trace ends up on Level3's network, you'll probably want to contact them for colocation. But being close to the data feed isn't necessarily the only thing you need to watch out for: http://www.oneunified.net/blog/Trading/AutomatedTrading/HighPerformanceMessaging.article.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: May 19, 2009 09:14 AM          Msg. 3 of 10
In an effort to help clear up some potential confusion on this thread:

esolar5.interquote.com is one of the servers in our 66.112.148.xxx server farm located in Bellevue, Nebraska.
Our other server farm is located in Omaha Nebraska (and is in the ip subnet 66.112.156.xxx).

The best IP addresses for testing the two server farms would be

I believe the purpose of this thread is to try and find the best possible hosting solution for his IQFeed connection. He is most interested in least possible latency. Unfortunately, this isn't information that we track here at DTN so I recommended he post on the forums in hopes that other 3rd partys who have gone through this same process could offer feedback.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: May 19, 2009 07:57 PM          Msg. 4 of 10
I'm still interested in a colo facility between the Nebraska server farm and the east coast. I tried a couple and was not happy with either of them.

I was hoping at one time that DTN would partner with a colo provider in some manner to provide some kind of QOS between DTN farm and colo, but I think there was only one other customer who also expressed interest.

-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now

Posted: May 19, 2009 08:30 PM          Msg. 5 of 10
ivwright, nsolot:

Can you expand a little on what your application does that requires colo close to DTN?

Perhaps DTN can provide info as to the tier 1 carriers to which they are attached. Then finding a colo facility which is connected to that carrier(s) should get you decent latency without having to deal with the Qos issues, ie, so long as it is one carrier between you and the facility, traffic should be pretty good.

The other thing that enters the equation is that you have to remember that data has to get to DTN from the exchanges and/or their distribution channels (which from NY to Nebraska is a significant portion of the overall delay budget). And then you have the latency/delay back to your broker/execution-vendor. I havn't figured out a decent answer to the question of whether one should be closer to the data source or to the execution vendor.

I suppose in closing, in the original message, it was requested that latency to DTN should be less than 10ms. At the speed of copper and routing, you'll have to be pretty close to Nebraska to get that sort of latency. When you consider (possibly) the 20 to 60 ms delay from the exchange to DTN plus the delay through their tick farm, I'm curious to know what sort of algorithm is running that you only have to worry only about the 10 ms transmission delay from DTN?

One traceroute to DTN indicated that Level3 was a carrier. Perhaps DTN has others. Contacting Level 3 to see what colo facilities they service might be a reasonable question.

Does DTN not provide hosting themselves?

A traceroute from either side of the country shows Denver as primary hop to Nebraska. And it seems to be only a couple of ms. Perhaps the link I posted earlier is still applicable. Colo with Switch & Data (I've been happy with their service) and get a link to Level 3, who have a pretty significant network, or whoever DTN uses as their transport to Denver.

6 ae-3.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net ( 27.189 ms 28.548 ms 35.645 ms
7 * ae-11-51.car1.Denver1.Level3.net ( 27.627 ms 27.440 ms
8 COSENTRYNET.car1.Denver1.Level3.net ( 37.224 ms 37.087 ms 37.358 ms
9 ( 38.196 ms 37.267 ms 37.465 ms
10 ( 38.127 ms 37.162 ms 38.011 ms
11 esolar5.interquote.com ( 37.562 ms !<10> 38.585 ms !<10> 38.302 ms !<10>

An ARIN reverse lookup on the hop 9 and 10 addresses shows http://www.cosentry.net/ as the carrier. They have colocation. That should get you within milliseconds of DTN.
Edited by stargrazer on May 19, 2009 at 08:42 PM

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: May 20, 2009 08:52 AM          Msg. 6 of 10
Sure, although this is a bit fuzzy as the conversations and forum threads are probably 3 years ago.

I'm been tinkering with an ATS, which auto trades using the feeds from Interactive Brokers and IQFeed, and would place trades through Interactive Brokers (IB). IB is located in Greenwich CT, however it appears the servers are NYC.

I think a number of us concluded that the closer one is to IQserver the better. FWIW, I only use the Nebraska server farm as Level 3 has proven (over a span of several years) to be an unreliable ISP. I'm based in LA, however other users who were located outside the US had latency issues magnitudes worse than what I was seeing. One guy, based in Australia, ended up colocating in Boston and a number of his data feed issues were resolved.

Would be ideal to be able to colocate in same facility with IQ.

-Interested User-
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Posted: May 20, 2009 02:05 PM          Msg. 7 of 10

One thing is clear - the amount of the data coming from Data Vendor to ATS are much higher than trading signals volume (in terms of bytes) from ATS to Broker.
That's why I want to be closer to DataVendor than to Broker.

But you are right - it all depends from the trading strategy and algorithms.

The first think I did was exactly same as you wrote - I've traced the route and found provider in Denver.
See the traceroute from Denver:

3 0 ms ge-6-16.car1.denver1.level3.net []

4 42 ms cosentrynet.car1.denver1.level3.net []

5 43 ms []

6 43 ms []

7 43 ms esolar4.interquote.com []

The latency from my server till my providers L3 gateway are all 0ms, then the latency bumps on the other provider’s L3 gateway IP. (see also "nsolot" remark about L3)

The only choise I see is to host with cosentry.net, but it seems they do not have dedicated server solution.

-DTN Guru-
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Right Here & Now

Posted: May 20, 2009 06:42 PM          Msg. 8 of 10
Well, if you and nsolot and any other people on the list wanted something close to DTN, I could rent a cage, put in some servers and some bandwidth, and parcel it out.

If there was enough interest.


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Posted: May 21, 2009 02:48 AM          Msg. 9 of 10
I like dedicated server solutions, because provider will replace server withing hours, if there any problems with servers. You need to be there 7/24 so provide such service :)

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Right Here & Now

Posted: May 21, 2009 05:15 AM          Msg. 10 of 10
With the technology we have today, depending upon the configuration you have, we can migrate your sessions live from server to server within seconds. Maintenance can then be performed on a defective server at our leisure. We can use the facility's own 'remote hands' services to provide this service, and they typically have someone available 24 hours a day. In many cases, with the monitoring we have available, we can detect if a server is going to fail before it does so, and take remedial action before it becomes serious, up to and including moving live sessions from server to server to rebalance load and activity.

Some of these features come at a price, but they are available for those who wish to maximize the availability of their trading platform.


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