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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »DTN.IQ Client Software Support »"Invalid interval reference time"
Author Topic: "Invalid interval reference time" (6 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 1
Joined: Jun 4, 2011

Posted: Feb 9, 2019 10:38 PM          Msg. 1 of 6
I've been using the same software for several years to download historical data. Today is the first time I've seen the above error message. Can anyone explain exactly what this error means and what is wrong with my requests?

Here are some specific requests that get this error:

HIT,EHSI,60,20180701 092900,20180731 155900,,092900,155900,1
HIT,EHPTP,60,20181001 092900,20181031 155900,,092900,155900,1
HIT,EGYH,60,20181101 092900,20181131 155900,,092900,155900,1

Even Friday, this software worked fine, I only began getting these errors on Saturday 2/9. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what is wrong?

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 2091
Joined: Nov 21, 2005

Posted: Feb 19, 2019 06:41 AM          Msg. 2 of 6
Hello, are you still having problems with this? For me, those request do not return data but they are also not returning the error you are seeing.

-Interested User-
Posts: 7
Joined: Dec 31, 2008

Posted: Mar 17, 2019 01:25 PM          Msg. 3 of 6
What is going on?

HIT,AAPL,60,20190317 000000,20190317 235959,0,000000,235959,1,,9999999; Invalid interval reference time.,
HIT,AIMT,60,20190317 000000,20190317 235959,0,000000,235959,1,,9999999; Invalid interval reference time.,
HIT,AKCA,60,20190317 000000,20190317 235959,0,000000,235959,1,,9999999; Invalid interval reference time.,
HIT,@KCK19,1,20190317 000000,20190317 235959,0,000000,235959,1,,9999999; Invalid interval reference time.,
HIT,@JYM19,60,20190315 000000,20190317 235959,0,000000,235959,1,,9999999; Invalid interval reference time.,

-Interested User-
Posts: 73
Joined: Jul 30, 2018

IQML - IQFeed-MATLAB connector

Posted: Mar 17, 2019 02:41 PM          Msg. 4 of 6
I am also seeing these errors on-and-off. It seems that if I enter a valid trading start date then it resumes working and gets out of the loop that constantly throws the "Invalid interval reference time" error. For example:

Original request - error:
=> 20190317 21:34:49.028 (Lookup) HIT,@KCK19,60,20190315 000001,20190317 235959,1,,,1,H-@KCK19,,s
<= 20190317 21:34:49.427 (Lookup) H-@KCK19,E,Invalid interval reference time.

Modified request - good data:
=> 20190317 21:34:57.536 (Lookup) HIT,@KCK19,60,20190312 000001,20190317 235959,1,,,1,H-@KCK19,,s
<= 20190317 21:34:57.942 (Lookup) H-@KCK19,2019-03-15 13:30:00,97.65,97.50,97.65,97.60,13763,56,0

Original request again - good data:
=> 20190317 21:35:02.040 (Lookup) HIT,@KCK19,60,20190315 000001,20190317 235959,1,,,1,H-@KCK19,,s
<= 20190317 21:35:02.443 (Lookup) H-@KCK19,2019-03-15 13:30:00,97.65,97.50,97.65,97.60,13763,56,0

Yair Altman
IQML - IQFeed-Matlab connector
I am not a DTN employee; my post reflects my personal opinion

Edited by altmany on Mar 18, 2019 at 04:55 AM

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 453
Joined: Aug 22, 2014

Posted: Mar 18, 2019 07:08 AM          Msg. 5 of 6
We are looking into your reported problems. I will post additional information to this forum the moment I have more to report.

Stephen Shockey
Customer Support Representative


9110 W Dodge Rd
Omaha NE 68114, USA

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 453
Joined: Aug 22, 2014

Posted: Mar 18, 2019 01:01 PM          Msg. 6 of 6
I am sorry for the delay in responding. The issues you were seeing should be resolved. There was a server in our rotation that we had to take offline.

Feel free to contact us at support@iqfeed.net if you continue to have issues.

Stephen Shockey
Customer Support Representative


9110 W Dodge Rd
Omaha NE 68114, USA


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