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Posted: Aug 19, 2020 07:15 AM

Msg. 1 of 23
This morning is 8/19/2020 and I'm requesting data for 3 stocks whose split ex-date was *yesterday* 8/18/2020. QLD (2:1), SSO (2:1), and SQQQ (1:5). The first two are still not returning split data and their splits are not identified in the Fundamental message. SQQQ, however, is okay. When can we generally expect splits to be processed?
HDX,SSO,3,,, S,CURRENT PROTOCOL,6.1 2020-08-18,75.2700,74.2000,74.9200,75.0300,1387973,0, 2020-08-17,149.9000,149.1226,149.4900,149.4800,750562,0, 2020-08-14,149.0900,147.6000,148.1500,148.5400,869748,0,
SSO Split Factor 1: 0.50 05/20/2015 SSO Split Factor 2: ---------------------- HDX,QLD,3,,, 2020-08-18,92.8990,90.5600,91.5400,92.5400,1061999,0, 2020-08-17,182.0890,179.6200,179.8000,181.5400,627642,0, 2020-08-14,179.0700,175.6600,178.6200,177.6000,738007,0,
QLD Split Factor 1: 0.50 07/17/2017 QLD Split Factor 2: 0.50 05/20/2015 ---------------------- HDX,SQQQ,3,,, 2020-08-18,26.5200,25.5000,26.0900,25.6500,23189411,0, 2020-08-17,26.9000,26.3000,26.8000,26.4000,53653978,0, 2020-08-14,27.8000,27.0000,27.1000,27.4000,69930623,0,
SQQQ Split Factor 1: 5.00 08/18/2020 SQQQ Split Factor 2: 4.00 05/24/2019 ----------------------

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 19, 2020 07:45 AM

Msg. 2 of 23
Thank you for the notification.
The splits should have occurred in the data the same time as SQQQ on 8/18.
This has been corrected.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Aug 19, 2020 07:49 AM

Msg. 3 of 23
Verified, thanks. Heads up for AAPL and TSLA on 8/31 ;)

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Posted: Aug 19, 2020 07:52 AM

Msg. 4 of 23
Thank you.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Aug 28, 2020 05:53 AM

Msg. 5 of 23
Hi Stephen, I just discovered that the Split Factor 1 and 2 items in the Fundamental Message are limited to 2 decimal precision! That's too imprecise for common 1.5:1 or 3:1 splits (and also 6:1, 7:1, etc). I use these values to adjust the intraday data and the Daily cache when a new split arrives.
Example: Take the 7:1 AAPL split on 6/9/2014. The factor given is 0.14 instead of 0.142857143. However, the IQFeed daily data appears to be adjusted using more precision - even though the data are only precise to 4-decimals.
Can IQFeed increase the decimal precision of the split factor to at least 8 decimals? 6?

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Posted: Aug 28, 2020 06:20 AM

Msg. 6 of 23
Thank you for the update.
We are currently looking into this. I will update the forum post when I have additional information.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Aug 28, 2020 09:53 AM

Msg. 7 of 23
Thanks Stephen. Really appreciated.

dtn teresa gilster
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Posted: Aug 28, 2020 01:54 PM

Msg. 8 of 23
Our development team is researching potential solutions, however, we are unable to provide an ETA on when a decimal change would be implemented.
We thank you for your feedback. While we cannot promise immediate changes, we take all comments from our users seriously. Thank you for being a DTN customer.
Best regards, Teresa Gilster Global Customer Services Manager

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Posted: Aug 29, 2020 06:37 AM

Msg. 9 of 23
Thanks teresa. Let me run something else by you...
On Monday 31 Aug, TSLA and AAPL will both start trading ex-split. Here's the problem - I just checked today (Saturday morning 29 Aug) that the splits don't appear in the Fundamental Message.
Our customers generate trading alerts based on the closed session's data. Imagine an alert to by 25 shares of AAPL at a $490 limit. This order will be transmitted to the broker (and if the broker doesn't automatically cancel it) this order will execute at market. We need to adjust the data before the ex-date. Consequently, adjusting for the 4:1 split, the strategy would correctly generate an order to buy 100 shares at $122.50.
The best solution would be post that adjustment before the ex-date - it could even be days before. Just like DTN does for pending dividends, post a pending split in the Fundamental Message so clients can adjust as required and when required. This would be a GREAT help!

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Posted: Aug 31, 2020 09:59 AM

Msg. 10 of 23
The split date field in the Fundamental Message does not contain upcoming splits, only past or current ones. It was updated to 8/31/2020 for both those symbols today.
Sincerely, Gary Stephen DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist

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Posted: Sep 2, 2020 05:25 PM

Msg. 11 of 23
Hi Gary, Can you explain the Fundamental message for TREX then? Split Factor 1 is "0.50 09/15/2020".
Checking other sources, this one is curious because the "Record Date" is 8/19/2020, but the Ex-Date is 9/15/2020. Most often record dates are on or even 1 day after the ex-date. Does the record date influence when the split appears in the Fundamental Message?
Apologies for the hassle, but I'm trying to determine a method to split intraday history using Split Factor 1 (and other meta data).

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Posted: Sep 2, 2020 08:08 PM

Msg. 12 of 23
Good question, since that clearly contradicts what I just posted. I will work with our data team to get to the bottom of this, and post my findings.
Sincerely, Gary Stephen DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist

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Posted: Sep 8, 2020 10:38 AM

Msg. 13 of 23
Okay, I have an update on this thread. It seems my earlier answer was incomplete.
We handle splits differently for NYSE-listed stocks than for NASDAQ-listed stocks. It has to do with how we receive the split data. For NASDAQ, we split data directly from the exchange, and do not update the fundamental message until the split date. For NYSE, we receive split information from a third party, and their data can be added to our files ahead of the split date. This is what happened with TREX.
I hope that clears this up!
Sincerely, Gary Stephen DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist

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Posted: Sep 8, 2020 11:23 AM

Msg. 14 of 23
Thanks Gary. It's good to know. Despite that inconsistency, I've figured out a way to keep it all straight anyway by recording the first time a new split appears in the message and comparing it to the last data file write time. Knowing the Date/Time of end of the session before the ex-date, we can process a split for intraday data when appropriate.

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Posted: Sep 15, 2020 11:59 AM

Msg. 15 of 23
TREX when ex-split today. The partial daily bar from today, reflects the split (of course). However, the history bars prior to the ex-date are not split yet. Why is that? When does that happen and does it depend on the exchange?

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Posted: Sep 15, 2020 12:31 PM

Msg. 16 of 23
We are reviewing TREX.
I will provide more information shortly.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Sep 17, 2020 12:26 PM

Msg. 17 of 23
2 days after ex-date. TREX daily history is still not adjusted. I'm looking at it in TDAmeritrade and it's not adjusted there either. Really strange this one!

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Sep 17, 2020 12:31 PM

Msg. 18 of 23
We are reviewing the data on TREX and I will update you shortly.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Sep 17, 2020 01:03 PM

Msg. 19 of 23
We have completed the adjustment for TREX Daily history for the split.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Sep 17, 2020 05:03 PM

Msg. 20 of 23
Confirmed! And TREX charts at TDAmeritrade are still not adjusted. Another conspiracy theory out the window!

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Posted: Oct 2, 2020 05:21 AM

Msg. 21 of 23
Hi again, Would you process the 4:1 split on 3/24/2016 in the Daily series for DRIP, please?

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 2, 2020 06:39 AM

Msg. 22 of 23
We are currently reviewing your request regarding the symbol DRIP.
I will let you know once the review is complete and the outcome.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Oct 5, 2020 09:28 AM

Msg. 23 of 23
Sorry for delay in responding.
We have resolved the split for 3/24/2016 on DRIP.
We appreciate your patience.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net