-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 22, 2020 04:19 AM

Msg. 1 of 18
I'm suddenly getting this error when trying to download news stories. Has something changed?

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 22, 2020 02:09 PM

Msg. 2 of 18

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 23, 2020 04:48 AM

Msg. 3 of 18
...and just like last time, 24 hours later. No problem.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 24, 2020 07:39 AM

Msg. 4 of 18
I'll see if anything happened over the weekend that could have caused that error. It's not a message I'm familiar with.
Sincerely, Gary Stephen DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist

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Posted: Aug 25, 2020 06:13 AM

Msg. 5 of 18
According to our logs, this was due to a temporary database connection problem at the time of your request. This can happen occasionally due to server maintenance and other such reasons. It's usually very temporary, and trying again will usually work.
Also, the error message is a little vague. The forthcoming IQFeed 6.2 will give describe the problem more precisely when something like this occurs.
Sincerely, Gary Stephen DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 25, 2020 02:04 PM

Msg. 6 of 18
Thanks Gary. A more explicit error message would be good. One instantly thinks "What have I changed"?

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Sep 18, 2022 01:16 AM

Msg. 7 of 18
This error is back with a vengeance this weekend. Is something going on?

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Posted: Sep 19, 2022 06:27 AM

Msg. 8 of 18
I will have a developer respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for the question.
Stephen Shockey Senior Customer Support Representative and Product Support Specialist
DTN 800-779-7299 support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Sep 19, 2022 09:29 AM

Msg. 9 of 18
Craig, can you give me a bit more detail on the timeframe you were seeing the errors? Looks like this was likely saturday sometime and/or early sunday? If so, the source of the issues was most likely standard weekend system maintenance causing a backend server to not respond or not respond quick enough to the request. OS patches/software upgrades/etc almost always happen on saturdays since the markets are closed.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 15, 2022 04:23 PM

Msg. 10 of 18
Hi, Sorry for the delayed response, I was on holiday. It always seems to happen at the same time 10pm Sat (NZ Time). Which will be Sat 4:30am (I think in NY).

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 15, 2022 07:50 PM

Msg. 11 of 18
Just has another at about 8:40 pm Saturday, 15 October. Downloading news stories is getting painful.

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Posted: Oct 15, 2022 11:48 PM

Msg. 12 of 18
...and another at 12:47 am Sunday, 16th.

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Posted: Oct 16, 2022 12:01 AM

Msg. 13 of 18
IQFeed has been down since Saturday. Or I can connect to the server but it does not give historical data. I am in the EU but I also checked with fellow trader in Singapore and he is not getting data either. So the problem is with IQFeed. This is a pain since I was working on code over the weekend. Code that is supposed to get historical and streaming data so I can not work on that over the whole weekend ...

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Posted: Oct 16, 2022 01:05 AM

Msg. 14 of 18
OK, thanks for that - I'll wait.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 16, 2022 11:05 AM

Msg. 15 of 18
Hello all, Saturdays are our routine maintenance days. This involves server reboots and software restarts and, on occasion, can cause requests to fail. We typically try to keep it limited to the morning on Saturdays but sometimes it runs longer. Trying to avoid Saturday mornings for data downloads would be recommended if possible and keeping in mind that request failures should be expected during this time if you are working with our API.
This weekend has been a fairly large bit of maintenance compared to normal with some key infrastructure pieces getting a rare restart/reboot. I believe those would explain the news request failures in this thread. As a result, I was online yesterday morning and again yesterday afternoon verifying that things seemed to be working correctly. We have had users connected and using the system all weekend (with limited success as demonstrated in this thread during the previously mentioned saturday morning maintenance). I have not seen anything yet to indicate further issues.
If you are still experiencing problems. please contact our support group for assistance so we can help identify the issue.

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Posted: Oct 16, 2022 11:18 AM

Msg. 16 of 18
well today it is already Sunday. Still no access to historical data here. Well I give up for today

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Posted: Oct 16, 2022 12:03 PM

Msg. 17 of 18
This is a product for which we pay none-trivial fees for the API. I, for one, would apricate some form of notice that extended maintenance is intended. At least a clear timetable of when maintenance occurs and what can be expected and not expected to work and when. You know, like a company that cared about their professional customers might. Would that be too hard?

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Posted: Oct 18, 2022 08:55 AM

Msg. 18 of 18
You are correct - we are actually discussing ways to be more proactive when something like this happens. In the meantime, there is a System Status page that we keep updated whenever there is an issue: https://iqhelp.dtn.com/system-status/ Sincerely, Gary Stephen DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist