Let me give you a complete list of what's available:
The EDS and 5MS Market Summary Reports include the following fields: Symbol, Exchange, Type, Last, TradeSize, TradedMarket, TradeDate, TradeTime, Open, High, Low, Close, Bid, BidMarket, BidSize, Ask, AskMarket, AskSize, Volume, PDayVolume, UpVolume, DownVolume, NeutralVolume, TradeCount, UpTrades, DownTrades, NeutralTrades, VWAP, MutualDiv, SevenDayYield, OpenInterest, Settlement, SettlementDate, ExpirationDate, Strike
The FDS report includes: Symbol, Description, PeRatio, AvgVolume, DivYield, DivAmount, DivRate, PayDate, ExDivDate, CurrentEps, EstEps, SIC, Precision, Display, GrowthPercent, FiscalYearEnd, Volatility, ListedMarket, MaturityDate, OptionRoots, CouponRate, InstitutionalPercent, YearEndClose, Beta, LEAPs, WRAPs, Assets, Liabilities, BalanceSheetDate, LongTermDebt, CommonSharesOutstanding, MarketCap, 52WeekHigh, 52WeekHighDate, 52WeekLow, 52WeekLowDate, CalHigh, CalHighDate, CalLow, CalLowDate, Expiration, LastSplit, LastSplitDate, PrevSplit, PrevSplitDate, NAICS, ShortInterest
The Level 1 feeds includes everything listed in the Fundamental Message
http://www.iqfeed.net/dev/api/docs//Level1FundamentalMessage.cfm and Update Message
http://www.iqfeed.net/dev/api/docs//Level1UpdateSummaryMessage.cfm. I'm not sure what you mean by "report dates in the future." The daily EDS and FSD report are compiled at about 5:30 pm each day. So the reports for 20220328 will be ready about 3 hours from now. Past reports are available going back to about April 2018, because that's when the reports were added to IQFeed.
Gary Stephen
DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist