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»Forums Index »NEW IQFEED FORUMS »IQFeed API Questions »Option Chain Response missing "LC"
Author Topic: Option Chain Response missing "LC" (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
Posts: 54
Joined: Mar 26, 2008

Posted: May 23, 2023 06:17 AM          Msg. 1 of 3
The doc here: http://www.iqfeed.net/dev/api/docs/OptionChainsviaTCPIP.cfm indicates that the response to any of the requests for option chains will have "a field containing the letters LC". We expect to see LC as the first field unless a RequestID is specified, and in that case LC would be the second token.

Nonetheless in response to the request, LC is nowhere to be found in the response.


I don't care if LC is there or not, but I just want to know that it will never be there. Will it?

-DTN Guru-
Posts: 403
Joined: Jul 3, 2019

Posted: Jul 19, 2023 03:31 PM          Msg. 2 of 3
It depends on the protocol you are setting. The LC in the message is new in protocol 6.2 and the older protocols do not have this in the message. It sounds like you're using an older protocol (anything before 6.2), in which case you will never get the LC, as long as you continue to use that protocol.

There's no other difference between protocol 6.1 and 6.2 as far as option chains go. So if you'd rather not have the LC, just set protocol to 6.1 and it will not appear.

Gary Stephen
DTN IQFeed Implementation Support Specialist

-Interested User-
Posts: 54
Joined: Mar 26, 2008

Posted: Jul 20, 2023 03:29 AM          Msg. 3 of 3
Thanks for the clarification. Indeed, I'm using 6.1 so I'll have to keep this in mind for the next upgrade. Thanks again.


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