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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »IQFeed Developer Support »New Beta Problems
Author Topic: New Beta Problems (7 messages, Page 1 of 1)

-Interested User-
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Posted: Sep 13, 2005 11:10 PM          Msg. 1 of 7
I'm having a strange problem with the new beta release. I access IQFeed solely through sockets -- both history and quotes -- and I find that, after about 90 minutes, I am unable to connect to the local IQFeed server socket.

My software hasn't changed since the prior IQFeed release (which didn't work perfectly either, but did not display this particular problem).

So basically, every 90 minutes I have to shut down everything and restart it, and then I get another 90 minutes of bliss until things fail again.

I wish I could be a bit more specific and describe what is happening more clearly, but it's not obvious to me. Only that, ever 87 minutes (or 90, or 93), I attempt to open a socket and am unable. The only thing I can say -- which may be a help to you -- is the my own software connects intermittently to IQFeed -- that is, it creates a socket, communicates, then closes the connection. Is it possible that this open socket/close socket cycling is the source of problems?

Also: I am wondering if I am the only one who has seen anything like this? If so, then perhaps the problem is caused by my own software?


Matthew Klein

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Posted: Sep 14, 2005 07:55 AM          Msg. 2 of 7
Whoops. One small addendum to my post above.

I *do not* continually create a new connection to the history socket. Once it's open, I leave it open.

So now I'm really not sure why the software tends to fail after about 90 minutes or so. It may very well be something I am doing wrong in my own software, but it seems strange that the problem appeared in the new 4.0 beta.

Again, my intent is not to complain to IQFeed (maybe it's my fault) -- but rather, simply to post this info to see if anyone else is experiencing anything similar, where history just stops working after a while.

Matthew Klein

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Posted: Sep 14, 2005 08:03 AM          Msg. 3 of 7

First thing this morning I checked a 4.0 client to see if I could connect to it (It has been running for 2 days). I telnetted to it, as well as connecting with another 3rd party software package (I was connected with Ensign for the past couple days, then connected to the existing IQFeed with QuoteTracker). I didn't see any issues. However, it may have something to do with how we are processing your connections. The TCP functions were completely gutted in due to some hanging TCP issues from earlier builds. It is not out of the realm of possibility that this broke something else.

If there is anything else you can provide us that may help track it down we will definately look into it. If you can provide your app so we can run in debug that may help. Before that though, it would be a good idea to make sure logging is turned on and see if there is anything in the iqconnect.log that will help us out.

Jay Froscheiser
DTN - Trading Markets

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Posted: Nov 10, 2005 08:38 AM          Msg. 4 of 7
We are having a similar problem. Could it have something to do with only making history requests and not having any streaming requests running?

-VP, Product Operations-
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Posted: Nov 10, 2005 08:41 AM          Msg. 5 of 7
There is an issue in with making a large number of historical/intraday requests via sockets. Please email developer support and we can get you a test build to see if it corrects the problem (we would like to have a few people test this to see if we have it licked)


Jay Froscheiser
DTN - Trading Markets

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Posted: Nov 14, 2005 12:42 PM          Msg. 6 of 7
It seems like it broke something else, because the historical data retrieval in this new version is VERY SLOW. I'm talking an order of magnitude slower, as requests taht used to take me a second now take me about 7.

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DTN Market Access, LLC.

Posted: Nov 14, 2005 02:25 PM          Msg. 7 of 7
Are you seeing this sluggishness on daily requests only? Thanks!


Natalie Hannan DTN Market Access, LLC.


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