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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »Data and Content Support »how to understand the symbol format
Author Topic: how to understand the symbol format (16 messages, Page 1 of 1)

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Posted: Aug 26, 2017 10:29 AM          Msg. 1 of 16
The number of stocks listed in nasdaq is 3.5k http://i.imgur.com/HhAubKE.png
but the number of stocks that your symbols lookup is showing is >63k. http://i.imgur.com/hUMtulT.png
how do i filter out the right symbols from mktsymbols_v2 zip file. the zip file matchs your website but there seems to be too much symbols for LSE and Nasdaq that dont align with the counts provided by the exchange.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 28, 2017 06:42 AM          Msg. 2 of 16
The number 63,449 under NASDAQ that you see it the total number of Equities, Equity Option symbols, Indexes, OTC and Futures symbols.

You can drill further down by utilizing the Security Type field just below where you had chosen Filter by Exchange.

Stephen Shockey | Telvent DTN LLC | Trading Markets | United States |Customer Service Technical Support
Email: support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Aug 28, 2017 09:08 PM          Msg. 3 of 16
it still does not add up. I pulled all the Nasdaq info in a pivot table and you can see I don't get the right counts. Just tell me what doe these different column types mean?

I have exchange=Nasdaq
when I filter Equity, I get 19091 symbols. this is way too many for nasdaq

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 29, 2017 07:10 AM          Msg. 4 of 16
Equity is stock symbols.

Index is index symbols.

Money is money market symbols.

Mutual is mutual funds.

Stephen Shockey | Telvent DTN LLC | Trading Markets | United States |Customer Service Technical Support
Email: support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Aug 29, 2017 11:32 PM          Msg. 5 of 16
why do you hve 19k Nasdaq symbols in equity? it makes no sense when Nasdaq posts that they have 3.5 k symbols.

DTN Todd
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Posted: Aug 30, 2017 12:11 AM          Msg. 6 of 16
That number of 19,086 includes NCM, NGM, MGSM, OTCBB and OTC. The over the counter stocks account for more then 15,000

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Posted: Aug 30, 2017 09:07 PM          Msg. 7 of 16
so which part of this accounts for the Nasdaq only. there are 3273 listed in their website
http://www.nasdaq.com/screening/companies-by-industry.aspx?exchange=NASDAQ. Should I just ignore OTC only or should I ignore any of the other ones NCM, NGM, MGSM?
I need better clarity as its your symbol list and I need to make it better.
I have similar issue with LSE symbols where the counts are greater than what is listed in LSE

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Aug 31, 2017 12:57 PM          Msg. 8 of 16
If you utilize NCM, NGM and NGSM you will get the expected results for NASDAQ. You should omit OTC and OTCBB.

Stephen Shockey | Telvent DTN LLC | Trading Markets | United States |Customer Service Technical Support
Email: support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Sep 4, 2017 06:47 PM          Msg. 9 of 16
ok, how do I distinguish these LSE stocks. I am sure its not 23k that exist on the exchange.

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Sep 5, 2017 02:05 PM          Msg. 10 of 16
Unfortunately that number 23,304 that our symbol lookup is reflecting for London Stock Exchange (Equities) has Mutual Funds and Bonds intermingled.

This has been reported to our developers for resolution. Unfortunately there is not an ETA at this time.

Stephen Shockey | Telvent DTN LLC | Trading Markets | United States |Customer Service Technical Support
Email: support@iqfeed.net

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Posted: Oct 7, 2018 06:47 PM          Msg. 11 of 16
was the LSE issue ever fixed?

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 8, 2018 09:53 AM          Msg. 12 of 16
At this time the total LSE symbols displayed in our Symbol Lookup does still include Mutual Funds and Bonds.

This is on our roadmap to resolve. Unfortunately I do not have an ETA.

Can you expand on your question regarding "Understanding symbol Format"?

Stephen Shockey | DTN | Trading Customer Service Technical Support
Phone: 800.779.7299 | International 402.255.3918

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Posted: Oct 8, 2018 08:31 PM          Msg. 13 of 16
i was trying to load my amibroker and need to figure out which are just the LSE stocks. when i look at the spreadsheet from DTN, there are 11774 records matching equity in the LSE exchange.
the breakdown is
LSE LSE 9873
Which of these are just equity. I dont care about bonds or mutual funds.

DTN Todd
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Posted: Oct 8, 2018 08:56 PM          Msg. 14 of 16
At the following link http://www.iqfeed.net/symbolguide/index.cfm?symbolguide=lookup&displayaction=support§ion=guide&web=iqfeed enter L in the search text field In the filter by exchange select LSE In the security type select Equity then select the search button. That will give you the list you are looking for

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 9, 2018 10:15 AM          Msg. 15 of 16
LSEI are the index symbols.

Stephen Shockey | DTN | Trading Customer Service Technical Support
Phone: 800.779.7299 | International 402.255.3918

-DTN Guru-
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Posted: Oct 10, 2018 10:41 AM          Msg. 16 of 16
To clarify LSEI symbols are International Equities on the London Stock Exchange.

We have removed Mutual funds and Bonds from the LSE symbol total.

Please keep in mind the 11,774 total symbols on the LSE includes ETF symbols.

Hopefully this fully answers your questions regarding LSE symbols.

Stephen Shockey | DTN | Trading Customer Service Technical Support
Phone: 800.779.7299 | International 402.255.3918


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