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»Forums Index »Archive (2017 and earlier) »System Status Announcements »LIVE CHAT IS DOWN
Author Topic: LIVE CHAT IS DOWN (3 messages, Page 1 of 1)

dtn teresa gilster
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Posts: 15
Joined: Apr 16, 2009

Posted: Oct 5, 2021 09:26 PM          Msg. 1 of 3
We are currently experiencing issues with our live chat for Technical Support. To reach Support, please email support@iqfeed.net or call (800) 779-7299.

-Interested User-
Posts: 6
Joined: Apr 15, 2021

Posted: Oct 6, 2021 03:19 AM          Msg. 2 of 3
We are still experiencing issues with the live chat on the iqfeed.net website but it is possible to reach our tech chat support via another site - https://www.dtn.com/refined-fuels/trader/iqfeed/

From that page, a chat BOT will be available for support and an agent can be requested.

Thank you for your time and patience, we will keep everyone up to date.

José Ribeiro.

-Interested User-
Posts: 6
Joined: Apr 15, 2021

Posted: Oct 6, 2021 05:42 AM          Msg. 3 of 3
Thank you all for your time and patience.
I gladly inform you that the chat is now 100% operational from any of the DTN websites.

DTN wishes you all an amazing day! :)

José Ribeiro.


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